Monday, November 26, 2012

SHOULD THE BAHAIS REPLACE UHJ BY UHA (Universal House of Justice is now Universal House of Arbabs)


(Universal House of Justice is now Universal House of Arbabs)

Dr.Farzam Arbab The Master Manipulator

 Dr.Farzam Arbab has been serving as member of Universal House of Justice (UHJ) since 1993. Prior to this he was a member of the International Teaching Centre (ITC) since 1983. He is the controlling force behind the UHJ elections and present activities of the Baha’i Faith.

 He was a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Colombia and a Continental Counselor before being appointed to the International Teaching Centre (ITC).

 Even after getting elected to the Bahai apex body –the Universal House of Justice, Dr.Arbab was not satisfied and wanted to get his full family as Members of Apex bodies and tried to control the Faith from all angles.Since his election/selection in the Bahai Apex Body he started his task of cleansing the Bahai organization from the Iranian Bahais having Mullah’s culture.  Like Hushmand Fatheazam and Ali Nakhjawani. Slowly and steadily he took control of UHJ by introducing Ruhi culture. He saw that any one opposing Ruhi agenda is shown the way out of the Bahai Faith. These tentacles of Ruhi culture spread out throughout the world and resulted in expulsion of many devoted Bahais like Feroz Anaraki, Jamshed Fozdar, Fredrick Glaysher, Juan Cole etc.
 Mr. Arbab went to launch his own Ruhi brigade with Faredon Jawaheri, Payman Mohajir and very recently Shehriyar Razavi; these three Iranians are well known for the pro Ruhi culture and his own brother in Law Mr. Gustav Correa.

 The Ruhi books are only developed for name sake without much matter and content and even after its introductions in many countries ENTRY BY TROOPS which was supposed to happen has not taken place and instead in many cases there is MASS EXIT FROM FAITH.

 Mr. Arbab after hijacking the Bahai Faith finally ruined a massive Baha'i Encyclopedia that cost the faith several hundred thousand dollars; He introduced inaccuracies, and delayed its publication indefinitely.  Arbab is not a professional editor and knows nothing about making an encyclopedia, and never even bothered to learn Persian. The Baha'is got extremely annoyed at him for putting his fingers into something he knows nothing about and ruining it, wasting enormous amounts of money and bullying and insulting the previous devoted Baha'i editors as crass materialist humanists?

Mr. Arbab introduced spying and shunning culture in Bahai Faith. He shamelessly bullied and threatened Bahais Due to his arrogant behavior many bahais were hearted broken and left the faith?  Lives were destroyed over this idiocy.

In furtherance of his goal to control the UHJ and Bahai Faith Mr. Arbab created FUNDAEC in early 1970s within a worldwide program called at the time “Education for Development.” as a Bahá’í-inspired organization, According to Gustav Correa, director of FUNDAEC in 2002, it was originally inspired by a quotation from Bahá'u'lláh - "Baha'u'llah talks about man as 'a mine rich in gems of inestimable value.' He says that 'education can, alone; because it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.These is all cheating the FUNADEC was created to control the Bahais and Bahai Faith. It is now headed by Mr. Gustav Correas. Is it a coincidence that Gustav Correas is the close relative of Dr.Arbab and now member of the UHJ?
 FUNDAEC finally took control of Socio Economic development in Bahai Faith (OSED).

 Social and Economic Development
The Baha'i Office of Social and Economic Development, an agency of the Baha'i World Centre in Haifa, Israel, monitors the progress of development programs worldwide, provides advice and support, and facilitates collaborative undertakings with like-minded organizations.

 These projects range from simple tutorial schools to college-level courses and from village agricultural and health education projects to participation in major reforestation programs. The majority of these projects operate at the grassroots level, relying on local resources and coordination.The Socio Economic development is headed by Haleh Arbab, the sister of Mr. Farzam Arbab.

 Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP)

The Bahais say that there should be a dialogue of Science and Religion, and their Relationship. It was precisely with these thoughts as they claim that the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity, known as ISGP, took up as its initial task the promotion of a discourse on science, religion, and development. ISGP, Very surprisingly Dr. Haleh Arbab the sister of Dr. Farzam Arbab is the Director of the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity. (ISGP) She was born in Iran, educated in the United States, and lived in Colombia, South America from 1982 to 2005. In Colombia she worked with the Foundation for the Application and Teaching of the Sciences (FUNDAEC), and from 1995 to 2005 served as Rector of Centro Universitario de Bienestar Rural, a Colombian university she helped found in 1988. Currently Dr. Arbab lives in Haifa, Israel, where, since June 2005

 Today Bahai Faith is controlled by the RUHI BRIGADE, Dr.Arbab and his family.
 Unless the Bahais wake up to this reality soon , it will be too late and few members of Arbabs family will be in the UHJ  and probably we will have to rename  it as UHA i.e. Universal House of Arbab.

Dr. Arbab has made the Bahai Faith a family run business and his Bread and Butter

Monday, November 19, 2012

Hypocrisy of Bahai Faith exposed.

Mrs Gloria Javed a high ranking official and a member of continental board of counsellor  of Bahai Faith in India who reports directly to the Universal House of Justice in Israel in a recent interview about the teaching of Bahai Faith in India agrreed that Bahais are involved in conversion of Indian in a deceptive manner.She said that we have now become more straight foreward in making Indian people as  Bahais because the Universal House of Justice has asked us to do that.

She said that after a certain time we ask from our seeker (Chidren and Jr. Youth) that would they like to become Bahais:

       “you reach a point when you invite seeker to become a Bahai and that was something we have never done before because we have been in institute process and we have been focusing core activity and just inviting people to the core activity but not asking them that question (Conversion) and the first time in Jan we could not find the words use many different nonaligned  by building the world order and would you like to be be like us we did different things and than other board member my colleague use the example of we are all drop and we all get together we can make a change in this world but after three cycles of growth we become more audacious and this last time we ask the seeker do you think Bahullah as the manifestation of god.”

Regarding the conversion of the parents of these children and Jr. Youth , she said that , “We call the parents of the children and Jr. Youth and ask them to become Bahais:”

“we announce to them that we would now like to talk to you about what is the force behind us working with your children over this long period and why we are working with them so that you can support us and you can help us and we immediately divide the parents into small groups and each of us sits with them with the album and directly teaches them faith and invite them to be bahais and they accept just like that and parents are receptive and consolidation are easier as we have already have their children with us every week.”

On the other hand we see that the member of Universal House of Justice , Mr. Payman Mohajer saying that........ 

Now if someone were to ask us whether the purpose of our inviting them to join study circles is to make them Bahá’ís, we can confidently say 'NO' and tell them that the purpose of our core activities is to assist in the transformation and betterment of society."

This is a clear Hypocrisy and cheating in the Name of Faith.The Indians should be aware of this CHEATING.It is not a hidden fact that many Indians who joined Bahai Faith thinking that it is a Faith are now questioning the Bahai authorities that WHY DO WE CHEAT THE PEOPLE IN THE NAME OF TEACHING.

Interviewer: So Gloria you come from New Delhi we heard about lot of success is there using Annas presentation there so please tell about what had happen in new Delhi

Gloria: Actually we started using Anna presentation in Januray of 2007 and the main purpose of using flip chart is to go thorough sequence of itr in sir quotation of writing of Bahullah.

India very big problem of teaching is that people didn’t mentioned that Bahai Faith is religion in the begining and the bahullah is the manifestation of God just like Lord Krishna and Jeses christ and that he is the promised one of all and if you look at that of anna presentation all these things is writing of first page so than you are not hiding anything from the seeker being bold being assertive you have been audacious as the HOUSE OF JUSTICE ask to do than you are teaching them directly so when they accept the Bahai faith they are accepting as a religion and accepting Bahullah as the manifestation of the God and not as the organization that does good thing and lotus temple that accept all the religions being unity of all religion

because I think Bahai faith in India is known as force that unites all religion but they don’t know about Bahullah and Bahai faith as religion. I think that made us very bold and we were very afraid to do it first time in January but I think that when you make your self do something that you have never done before and you do it for Baha’u’llah it works.

In we didn’t go into controversial topics in annas presentation and you explain them and you reach a point when you invite seeker to become a Bahai and that was something we have never done before because we have been in institute process and we have been focusing core activity and just inviting people to the core activity but not asking them that question (Conversion) and the first time in Jan we could not find the words use many different nonaligned  by building the world order and would you like to be be like us we did different things and than other board member my colleague use the example of we are all drop and we all get together we can make a change in this world but after three cycles of growth we become more audacious and this last time we ask the seeker do you think Bahullah as the manifestation of god.

Interviewer:Directly as that and what stage of presentation did you ask them

Gloria: Well actually we realize that we cannot go through the whole album and seekers will get tired and loose their interest so went through various Indian concept of covenant and manifestation of God of Bahullah being most latest and unity of mankind. We stop at the quotation of Abdul Baha and thought of more coming from their side but if they are sitting and they have more time than we are also going to the life of Baha’u’llah because in India there are many Gurus people are following gurus and they think Bahullah is just another guru than we talk about how manifestation of god are different how they suffer from mankind and how yet they are so victorious and we compare it lives of many of gurus in India and how wealthy and prosperous living comfortable life and than compare him so that they don’t put him on same level various gurus so if we have time we go to victory of Bahullah

And the two quotes is use that we have produce over here yes we hold it in our hand that was also challenge first time i took it out from my bag I extremely conscious and than I relaise that they don’t know that this is first time i am holding in my hand and I am very uncomfortable and nervous they think I am always do it and this is what how we teach our faith and actually ask the seeker to read and it really effects them and we don’t realize that we if we explain to them they will more touched but they read the words they have their side so we went ahead just using annas presentation and direct teaching approach and inviting to bahais and its not that we all afraid do it but think that they will feel that we are pressurizing them and making them something they don’t want to do but it is not like that we have experience over and over that people are ready to accept Bahullah and we are the person who need to ask them and this was in suburban and central in Delhi In the beginning it was suburban there were receptive population reside they are not wealthy but they are not jobless they all have jobs the workers at different stages but in the last two cycle we have also started affluent of neighborhood of Delhi and we have smaller population there but then to we use annas presentation we have bank managers, executives, young professional working in call center and these the Indian that are educated in various field we guess we consider them materialistic and think that they won’t listen but they do they do mainly it was devotional in the home followed by annas presentation and actually divide them to smaller groups and talk to them.

Interviewer How you involve children parents to do the class and involve them and would you explain little about that

Gloria it is the neighborhood where we have junior youth classes, children classes we consider their parents to be community of interest so then every cycle we hold devotional in neighborhood at large scale and infact we print thousand invitation we give to youth and children of our classes to give parents, neighbors, relatives, and their friends and performed what they learned in their classes during their 3 months. Small sketch stories and confirmation based on what they learned and after junior youth performance we see the total change in their parents both the mothers and their fathers you can see the expressions on their faces and right after performances of junior youth we announce to them that we would now like to talk to you about what is the force behind us working with your children over this long period and why we are working with them so that you can support us and you can help us and we immediately divide the parents into small groups and each of us sits with them with the album and directly teaches them faith and invite them to be bahais and they accept just like that and parents are receptive and consolidation are easier as we have already have their children with us every week.

Interviewer What are you are doing in JB tell us something about that?

Gloria My understanding that Johannesburg we have good activities that inviting seekers to core activity. They have large number of seekers in their devotionals children and junior youth but they have not able to teach their parents directly so we just came here to teach them with annas presentation people think that we have to complete the whole book but we can just do 15 to 20 minutes and invite the person to be a bahai that’s what we basically did we approach the parents of junior youth the seekers who are coming to the devotional of bahai homes they have never been taught the faith directly so we went and taught them the faith so we did here the same thing that we did in new delhi but here was more tiring as we go home to home and sometime only person. Ok great we look forward to result.